Monday, 20 June 2011

The elevated foot

Surgery for a Morton’s Neuroma has quite a high incidence of complication; in some cases something called a ‘Stump Neuroma’ can form. This is when the nerve ending that was cut becomes inflamed and creates another neuroma. All in all, I was relieved to find the cryo option and not have to go down the surgery route. The day after the procedure I took it easy and restricted the amount of standing and walking I did. Within a few weeks just as my podiatrist had told me, the nerve that had been frozen ‘woke up’ and started to tingle, but over Christmas I was relatively pain free and until the end of February it all seemed to be going as planned. I’d been rationing my painkillers (Gabapentin / Neurontin) but now the all too familiar numbness and pain was starting to creep back in. It seemed that Morton had brought his neuroma back to camp out in my left foot.….

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