I love these shoes, they are so incredibly sexy with a concealed platform and a monster mega heel. All the things that make me wince in pain and yes LDV, I know there’s beauty in pain, but it’s a bit like the smoker with emphysema having a toot on the oxygen tank before lighting up. There’s something incredibly wrong in taking painkillers that enable you to not feel nerves in order to squeeze your pinkies into shapes that the human form should not be squeezed in to. If wearing your ‘nadgers’ in a vice was a fashion statement, how many blokes would be on board? Though I’m sure in Hoxton there’d be a number of Black and Decker and Irwin Tools seen attached to a number of ‘tools’.
I tried these shoes on earlier tonight and giggled that I understood how the Chinese ladies who had their feet bound, felt. And then I googled it. Let’s just say that Google killed the giggle and no, you can’t put “Google killed the Giggle” on t-shirts, it’s mine. I hereby claim it for my own.
That is some serious body modification the Chinese people had going on. I could harp on about the subjugation of women and emancipation post 1911 banning of the practise, but I agree with James A.Crites (http://bit.ly/djuEuK) that we should avoid judging other cultures, just because they don’t conform to our norm. I’m sure there are some people who think me cultivating a herd in the bottom (and top) of my wardrobe (and my husband’s) is wrong. And they’d be right. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself as I’m preparing to release them back to the wild.
These were bought from the fashion megalodon (part Shark, part e-commerce website) ‘ASOS’ (www.asos.com) about four years ago, primarily for work. I know what you’re thinking, at what point did I decide to go down the high class hooker route? Listen, I’m 5’1” regardless of the extra inch my passport has given me, heels are a journey out of the netherworld, the area of being noticed, where the big people live. I admit it, I tottered to work a few times in these. Then I realised that as they were size 36 and I’m a 35.5 (otherwise known as ‘effin small’, remember?) that after a while I walked out of them. Not particularly attractive….or sexy…or powerful. Just, well….baggy, if truth be known. I’ve tried the rubber heel fillers and they work for while but as they warm up, my teeny tiny plates of meat slide out of old Bertie Boys. I so wanted to be the power suit woman going 'buy, sell, sell, buy' but nah, that's not me either.
They are really gorgeous shoes and they’re virtually new, I’m sad to see them go, but regardless of the deformed metatarsal, they’re not practical. And by practical I mean, they don’t stay on my feet. Which in most books is a key necessity of shoes. Otherwise you might as well wear hats on your feet. Very comfortable, so I hear and in a wide fitting too.
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