I don’t mind getting dressed up for special occasions but it galls me when I have to buy something that I probably won’t ever wear again, so it should come as no surprise that I recycled the top half of my wedding dress for the party. White shoes, black trousers, white top, sorted. Oh and the Mickey Mouse glo-sticks headband that someone gave to me during the evening; beautiful, in fact a sight to behold.
I danced for hours, mainly because it was freezing in Magna. Of all the places to have a party let’s just say a converted steelworks is not the best when it comes to wearing dinky little outfits in the middle of winter; smelting happened in those places for a reason. When the KLF/ JAMMs said it was ‘grim up north’ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwtSdJaPCSI) what they meant from that lyric was not a political statement, merely a factual ‘Eh up ar kid, it’s a bit parky oooop north’*.
I thought I’d like the music that night at Magna, that I’d be able to take it for an evening but I have to admit it, after the first trance tune with a big breakdown and yearning female vocal has washed over you, you’ve heard pretty much what’s going to happen for the rest of the evening. It’s just going to get faster and bigger until eventually there’s no place left to go. Turn left at hardcore and drop off at gabba. As I remember we all made a move somewhere around 4am, though my memory left the building around 2.30am so I could be talking utter bollihocks. What I do remember is that I didn’t really feel well again from the 27th of December until New Years Eve in 2007. Apparently you live and learn; I must have learned something as I’ve never felt that bad again since.
I’ve also learned something else from these shoes; four years after purchasing them I have learned that it’s not about the heel, it’s the toe. Remember the painful Pradas? A wee heel with a pointy toe inflicting ‘11’ on the scale of pain. Well these schuhs have a much higher heel but are roomy enough around the toe for the storage of your lunchtime sandwich or as we in the grim north would say ‘packing up’. Because of this the anaconda grip isn’t in full effect and the neuroma is held at bay. I’m not sure I’d want to make like Eliza Doolittle and dance all night in them but we may be on to something. Perhaps I should try a pair of these for my next night out http://bit.ly/n33eUe
*hello friend / brother / younger person it’s a little bit chilly when you get past Watford Gap.
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